Sat 18/11/2023

The weather is misbehaving again. We dressed up to go for a walk (my wife's health would benefit from it), since the forecast was positive, and it started raining as soon as we set foot outside. We sheltered in a bookshop to wait it out by perusing the books, but it took the good part of an hour. I was a little annoyed that all paperbacks were priced the same, regardless of printing quality, publication date and so on. By the time the raining stopped it was already starting to get dark (fucking daylight savings time) and a chill wind was blowing, so we just headed back home. We did not buy any books either. What a waste of time.

Yesterday we had another cook-off session with M., we made pumpkin and shrimp risotto. I went all out and pulled a lot of tricks I have learned over the summer watching Youtube cooking videos. The risotto tasted amazing to me, but my wife said it lacked some salt - one of the rare times we disagree on this. It was a little runnier than it should've been owing to a miscalculation on my part, but I figured I'd rather keep it that way than overcook the rice. I would eat the cream with a spoon, to be honest. The next time I cook the dish it will be perfect though. M. did not have many involuntarily funny tales to share this time, surprisingly; he's injured his big toe at a karate lesson and was limping around like a peg-legged pirate. He is still sporting his pornstache, which I am starting to have respect for - it takes balls. Maybe he'll bring them back in fashion, who knows. When I was little my father always had a big mustache and no beard; I still remember the day he shaved it off, I was so shocked by his change in appearance.

Tonight we are having pizza, as usual. I am trying a neapolitan dough this time, which I prepared yesterday and let rise slowly in the fridge overnight. I got the recipe off another Youtube video, but later realised that something seemed a little off. I watched the video again and noticed that there had been some sleight-of-hand: the chef claimed you shouldn't work the dough too much before moving it to the fridge, but when he showed the result of overnight rising it was a clearly well proven dough. So who knows what my dough will turn out like. It looks alright for now, and we will see later tonight. [EDIT: it was mediocre-to-bad, will need another recipe]

My birthday came to pass. A number of friends forgot about it this time (I don't volunteer the info), but that's actually a relief because I hate the attention. A. wished me a late happy birthday today and apologised, but I honestly had not even noticed he had forgotten. I don't care much for my birthdays and never have. My wife does though, and hers are the only celebrations I actually let myself enjoy. She went all out this year and gifted me a treasure chest full of piratey stuff; she picked each item individually over months. Very charming. I am now the proud owner of a spyglass, among other things. She also got me a pair of wooden swords because she overheard me discussing my obsession with them as a young child during a call with my parents (I forced my father to craft about a dozen of them, as I kept smashing them up). It is nice to indulge your inner child from time to time.

For bookkeeping purposes, I will list some things that have happened since the last entry, in no particular order:

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